Thursday, May 27, 2010

Time To Get Clean

The disaster in the Gulf this week has me thinking. I've always been all about clean energy in the abstract sense. I don't have a solar powered home but I wish that I lived in a world in which the problem of fossil fuel reliance had already been solved.

I'm hoping that this disaster could spawn a new era in which we start truly caring about how we create our energy. I think we need to have a national energy auditor whose job it is to make sure that we are creating our energy as cleanly as possible and grant monies to those who want to try and make it cleaner. A Czar of energy if you will. Not sure if it would help but it would be a good start.

Credit Scores

Whoever invented credit scores is a genius. Firstly, it gives you a convenient excuse to discriminate when it comes to offering loans that can't be misconstrued to have anything to do with things beyond money.

Secondly, now that everyone uses this number, people want to know what theirs is, so you can charge them money to find out or even make them feel like you are doing them a favor by offering them a free credit score.

It's always amazing to me when people can not only create a product but create the market for that product at the same time. Rock salesmen, also known as jewelers are the prime example of course.

Internet Lists

For some reason people really like lists. Lots of people make lists to help them remember things. There are "todo" lists, grocery lists and even honey-do lists.

It's no wonder then that lists have become very popular on the internet. Almost as popular as putting the letter "i" in front of your product name. For instance, there is craigslist, angieslist, and even

People love lists, and they like it even better when other people do the dirty work and leave them to make their decisions. Internet lists are great for that.

Sony Loves Scrabble

I think the Sony execs are Scrabble lovers. Tough sell you say? Hear me out. Sometimes, when a product becomes a euphemism for itself (such as Kleenex), it can be used as a noun and not just a proper name. The Sony guys knew this and in hopes that their products would achieve this level of notoriety, chose names that would increase their Scrabble scores.

Don't believe me? Then why do we have the Sony VAIO, and the Sony WEGA? What other possible use could those words have outside of a game of Scrabble I ask you? Yes, clearly the Sony guys love Scrabble.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brad Pitt

A few years ago, you couldn't go anywhere without seeing someone with a Bluetooth headset or ear bud on. They were pretty cool for a while there. Apparently, they have gone out of fashion because I almost never see them now.

I even saw a magazine cover with Brad Pitt wearing one, and the caption said. "He can barely pull it off, and you are not him". So that pretty much told me all I needed to know about what the fashion world thinks of them. Useful? Sure. Fashionable? No.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Clatu Verata Necktie!

I hate it when I can't remember someone's name. It happens to me all the time. I will see someone and know that I know them but have no idea how I know them and not remember their name to boot.

I have even started talking to someone in the store before and realized halfway through the conversation that it was not the person I thought it was, but it WAS someone ELSE that I knew. Whether your name is Jim, Dan, Euphrates, phentermine, or stan, it doesn't matter. I will more than likely forget.

Biggest Loser

It always cracks me up that they try to slip in ads throughout the show. First of all, it's a two hour show. There is already ample time for throwing in commercials.

But, you say, they do that so that they can still reach the DVR crowd. Do you honestly think that those of us with DVRs actually sit and watch the product placement segments? I like learning about the best weight loss products, but I don't like being sold. Plus, the majority of the placements is so "in your face" that it doesn't even count as subliminal.

Friday, May 07, 2010


We are about to start working on finishing our basement. It has been a long time coming and we are going to have to work on it in stages. The first step is to get the windows in. After that we will focus on the kid's bedrooms.

At some point we will be ready to finish our new living room. We may decide to put a fireplace in there. Either a gas log or one of those Amish fireplaces. In any case we may need the extra help in keeping it warm down there. It's a deep basement and it can get a bit cold.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


I feel like poop. Partly because I'm not getting enough sleep, and partly because the sleep that I am getting is on an antediluvian mattress. My back hurts every day except when I have been at a hotel and have slept on a more supportive base.

My problem is that mattresses are expensive and I haven't wanted to fork over the cash for one. It's not going to happen this month either because we have some other goals in mind but it's going to have to be soon.

Built In

I really love the counter tops now that have a built in sink bowl. Not only does it look better to have a stone sink but there is no risk of leaks between the sink and counter top. Plus there is no edge to keep water from running back into the sink when you want it to.

Sure they have sinks that are mounted on the underside to solve that problem but you still have the joint that can leak or just be a pain to clean. I definitely prefer the all one piece molded ones.