Friday, June 04, 2010

Folic Acid

Folic Acid is one of those things that I'm so glad that medical science discovered. Thanks to that discovery, many babies have been bore normally that probably wouldn't have without it.

Many parents have taken the time to research the safest prenatal vitamins in an effort to give their babies the best chance at a normal life. I'm very thankful for that.

I know that science and technology, or progress for progress sake isn't always best for the planet (IE global warming) but sometimes our progress actually makes people's lives better. This is one of those.

Soccer Awards

The world cup is almost here and despite my country's lack of enthusiasm for the event, I can't wait. I love the world cup. The games are extremely well played and the athletes are amazing.

Not only are they great players but most of them are great actors. Someone will brush against someone else causing them to go down in a heap worthy of the worst injuries in history. They will be carried off on a stretcher and then sprayed with some sort of magic spray that looks like it should be an eczema treatment. Then magically they are totally fine and ready to reenter the game. The academy awards should recognize such great achievements.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Workout Fail

For the last month or so I have almost completely fallen off the workout wagon. Not because I am too lazy but too sore and tired. I just haven't been able to recover for some reason. It's frustrating because I don't like to be out this long because it always makes me feel like I'm starting over once I do get back in. At the same time though, sometimes you do just need a rest.

I need a goal frankly. I'm tired of looking like I spend too much time on, but I also don't seem to be able to lift heavy or eat heavy for long enough to gain a lot of muscle. Really, what do I want here? I need to make up my mind.

Fake Sports

It's really hard in this day and age to get truly excited about a great athletic achievement. You feel as if you are just waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under you. Sooner or later, you know without much doubt that the athlete in question will admit to using steroids or hgh supplements.

It's sad really. I truly do hope that some of the greats that are out there today got there legitimately. Unfortunately we will always be left to wonder if they were really good, or just really good at not getting caught.

Homestar Is Poor?

I've noticed that the brothers chaps have pretty much shut down operations on the Homestar runner site. It's a sad thing really because I loved their humor and really enjoyed watching it each week.

One thing I have been wondering is how they are paying the bills now? I know that neither of them had jobs outside the site and made their money by selling merchandise. A venture that is sure to dry up now that they are no longer updating the site.

I still wonder at their decision to not sell ad space on the site. Sure, they didn't want to be "sell outs" but that is something that people with no opportunity to make money say. What's so bad about a few "click here" ads on the page. You make a ton of money and if you do it right it doesn't annoy the people too much. Seems like such a wasted opportunity. I hope they are feeling really good about not "selling out", because that opportunity has stopped knocking.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Basement: Stage One Complete

This weekend was a busy one. We finally got started on our basement remodeling project. Stage one is putting in egress windows so that we will be allowed to put two bedrooms in there. We were able to get the hole dug, put in the drainage gravel, and pour the slabs that will form the base of the egress wells. A lot of work but we are finally on our way.

It will be very nice to finally have this stuff done. It will still be a while before the rooms are finished because we are trying to pay for all this as we go as opposed to racking up a bunch of debt. Hopefully in the next few weeks we can get the windows completely finished and then we will be home free to start on the framing downstairs. I can't wait.

Job Security

Some jobs will always be needed. Medical jobs for instance rarely go away. As long as we are all mortal, people will need hospitals. So if you have no idea what you want to do but you want to help people and have job security then consider medical assisting school, or if you are truly ambitious, med school.

Having a job in that industry probably won't always be easy but it should always be available. Something to think about in our current national situation.

Have A Nice Trip

Tubs can be dangerous. First, they are wet. Second, they are slick even when they are dry. So the combination of the two can be dangerous for just about anyone, but mostly seniors and toddlers. I almost always lift my kids out of the tub to limit the risk of injury.

Now they have walk in bathtubs. Not an easy thing to picture if you haven't one but they are great for solving this problem. Basically it's a tub with a door that allows you to get in and out without having to step over the side. What will they think of next?


I love it that we have outdoor furniture on our deck. Frankly I'd like to have some more but there is one thing about it that annoys me. Unless I want our cushions to mold and smell bad after a while, I have to cart them in and out of the garage every time I want to use them.

Sure they are weather "resistant" but mold can grow on just about anything that gets wet so can't just leave that stuff outside. It would be a lot less annoying if I could. I'm sure that someone has solved this problem already so perhaps I will need to research it more.