Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just fine thanks

I'm really happy with my insurance . I've never had a reason to switch and I don't plan to. And no, I'm not one of those people who has just never had to make a claim and thus figured out how bad it could be. I've made claims and I found it to be as painless a process as could be expected. I don't really think anyone else could have done much better. My prices are fine and I don't really see how some other company could save me a ton more without slashing my coverage to pieces. So why switch? I'm not going to.

I like it here

I like where I live. No, it's isn't the most picturesque place on Earth. It isn't a tropical island where stainless steel drums are constantly heard. It doesn't have mountains, or oceans, or other touristy things. The fact is I grew up here and I'm comfortable. There are nicer places to live sure, but there are much worse ones as well. It's pretty in it's own way and most of the people I care about are close by. I don't begrudge anyone who leaves for greener pastures because I can understand that, but I have chosen this place, and I intend to enjoy it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Great Book, Scary Thought

Most of us have heard the term EMP before. Probably even know what it stands for, but I doubt that any of you know how much of a threat it truly is to our society and way of life. I'm reading a book right now called "One Second After", which chronicles the survival a small town after a very successful EMP attack on America.

Imagine living without your daily gadgets and luxury items. Pretty bad right? Now imagine not having a car, running water, or refrigeration for food. Not for a few days until they get the power back on but for months if not years.

It's a very real threat, and this book describes in very vivid detail what would happen. I've read enough basic psychology to believe that his assumptions about the dissolution of society are pretty accurate and very scary.

Check it out, and maybe like me you won't take the every day conveniences for granted so much anymore.

Friday, August 13, 2010


I decided to take my little man over to the fair tonight. Normally I think of the fair as being about as much fun as researching medicare supplement plans. But, with the derby going on, I have to think that my little guy will enjoy that quite a bit. He really loves cars and what little boy wouldn't enjoy watching them wreck into each other? I'm pretty pumped about it, so hopefully he will enjoy it as much as I think he will.

Last time I went we saw some pretty funny "antics". It was like watching a live taping of Cops. Never know what your going to get. Fortunately we will be sitting far enough away that the language should stay PG.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am not as obsessed with my weight as I once was. For one thing it seems to have stablized where I am right now. I rarely go near scales anymore. This can be a good and bad thing. On one hand it's nice not to constantly have to fight to stay at the weight that I want. On the other hand, it gives me a false confidence that allows me to eat really badly more often I care to admit. I really need to get back to eating healthy again. I still do most of the time but it hasn't been the priority that it should be for a while now. I'm not sure why but I don't want to let this become a habit. Time to get serious again.