Friday, October 28, 2005

Thy carseat runneth over

Tonight Kylie and I went to the Zoo together for a special Daddy daughter night out. Crystal and the baby went to my moms for a craft party so it seemed like a good idea for us to spend some time together, and since we have zoo memberships this year, it was free for us to go. This weekend they are having a special Boo at the Zoo promotion, which basically just means that they've decorated a little and the kids can all wear their costumes and get some free candy here and there.

Kylie was all decked out in her cow costume which was mighty cute, and we headed off to the zoo. She absolutely loves animals and had a great time going from place to place and checking them all out. I scored some major Daddy bonus points for taking her.

Now here is where things got interesting (read funny). Things have a tendency to do that when kids are involved. Especially ones that didn't get naps today. Our time at the zoo was done so we headed home. Kylie was very tired and very ready to be home. She had her pacifier (or nuk as she calls it) so I figured that she would drift off to sleep. However, she managed to lose it somehow, and as most of you can guess, this was a calamity fit for the end of the world to a tired child. I think the 4th trumpet of the apocolypse in the Bible is something about "and thy nuk shall be lost, and all the world will tremble...". Probably not, but you can see how she might feel that way.

So here was my dilemna. She wanted out of her seat and she wanted her nuk. If I stopped to find her nuk, she would just be more upset about my not taking her out of the seat. If I just kept going, she would be mad about not having the nuk. I chose to just try and get home, and thus attempted to placate and distract her as much as I could with conversation. It wasn't working and I could tell that she was starting to really make herself mad. She was working herself into a frenzy and I knew that no good could come from this. Town was in site, only a couple more minutes and we would be home.

And then it happened. The sound no parent wants to hear. It sounded like someone took the lid off a big gulp and just dumped it in the back seat. Puke was spraying and splashing everywhere. All over her, the car seat and the back of my seat. TWO minutes from home. Nothing like a nasty mess to clean up to make your day. Chunks, need I say more? I think you get the picture. I spent a good bit of time cleaning before I could do much else once we got home.

So anyway, it was still a fun evening and I guess that kids will be kids till the cows come home, and sometimes the little cows are pretty messy by the time they get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Next time try singing. "I've Been Working On the Railroad" works more often than not, but it's good to build a repetois.

Sam's got a puking/pacifier story too, but it can be wrapped up in the following: He had the stomach flu, and was puking several times a day. The pacifier calmed him down, but he'd puke anyway because ... well ... the flu doesn't give a crap about pacifiers. So, now Sam can't stand to have a pacifier in or near his mouth because he associates it too strongly with feeling sick.

BTW, you still get to keep your daddy points. The zoo rocks.

I got some huge daddy points for going to an indoor swimming pool with Eva & Sam a few weeks ago. Sam was unshakably happy for the rest of the day...and we were pretty pleased too.