Well for another 28 hours I will be wearing a halter monitor. They put it on my yesterday to verify what they call PVC's. Which are basically intermediate beats that my heart has sometimes. Supposedly they are harmless but this test is necessary to determine for sure that that is what they are and not something else. Of course, I haven't felt any since they put the monitor on me.
I'm anxious to get this thing off so that I can get back to working out. I stopped doing that because of these symptoms and I miss it a lot. Golf is over after next Tuesday so I can work out hard without the worry of messing up my swing. I still haven't decided if I am going to take another shot at the half marathon next year.
The other thing I need to do is get my stomach checked. I had a naval hernia repaired about 6 or 7 years ago so I am worried about that sort of thing, but I've got a spot or two on my stomach that are really tender at times and especially when I do certain lifts. The doctor said that he felt no bulges there, but could have and ultrasound done on my stomach to be sure that there wasn't any damage. I'm really hoping that there won't be any reason that I can't continue to lift and that I'll be able to put all this behind me soon and get back to it. I really miss it as it was a big source of pride and recreation for me.
Here's hoping I'll be back in the gym soon.
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