Friday, October 26, 2007

Fitness Update

Boy it's been a while since I wrote one of these! Frankly I was too ashamed of how far I had fallen to write about it. I was worried about my stomach, and was convinced that I had another hernia. A CT scan showed otherwise and at the moment it is thought that the pain I was having was probably due to scar tissue in that area from my previous surgery. At the very least, I'm not going to worry about it anymore unless a really obvious hernia develops.

I had stopped lifting due to my fears about my stomach and therefore stopped caring about what I ate. For a period of about 3 months I steadily undid a lot of what I had done in the past couple of years. I was back up to 194 pounds and close to 20% body fat.

Now I'm back on the horse and have been watching my diet pretty closely the last 3 weeks. I weighed in at 188 this morning so I'm on the way to recovery. I'll be more interested though in the next bodyfat test to see how far I have really come.

The cool thing is that my body has responded quickly. I feel like I have recovered a lot of the strength and tone that I lost in pretty short order.

At this point I don't really have a specific goal other than ridding myself of the excess fat that I packed on over the last few months. We'll see how it goes. It's still all pretty confusing to me as to how much I should be eating etc. I want to force my body to burn up body fat but I also want to gain muscle at the same time, and I don't know exactly how to do that. For now, I'm lifting and eating less and we'll see how that works out for me.

The only nutritional supplements I am using right now is whey protein after workouts. I'm just trying to keep things simple and see what happens.

Until next time...

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