Friday, September 20, 2013


I have never really used bulk purchasing sites as of this writing.  My wife has and I know for a fact that my sister uses them extensively but I have been reluctant up to this point.

I very nearly pulled the trigger recently on a deal for horse riding lessons that came to me in an email for groupon.  This seems like something my oldest daughter would really love.  The only thing that stayed my hand was the fact that we have friends that would probably teach her for free or failing that, I would rather give them the money than someone I don't really know.

As it stands though I can totally see the usefullness of such things.  Theoretically the seller gets extra noteriety for offering the deal even if they just break even on it.  The long term goal obviously is to get their name out there and establish a brand.  The consumer gets things they want for a cheaper price and gets introduced to new services and products that they may not have known even existed.  It feels like a win/win on paper.

So why haven't I tried it yet?  To be honest, it's a visibility thing.  I don't see the deals all that often and I'm too lazy/private to set something up to attempt to sell me a new product every day.  I don't want to wait around for the right deal to just happen to fall in my lap.  I look for the best deal AFTER I decide that I need something.

I know that groupon does have more than one deal per day and that you can search for things but again, I just don't find myself drawn to it for some reason.  Not really sure why.  Perhaps I'm just slow on the uptake as most people that use it seem to think it's really good and works really well.

Maybe I should start giving it a bit more of a chance.

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