Monday, July 30, 2007


Sorry for the lack of real posts lately. Things have been really busy for us and I've tried to incorporate as much real info in my "other" posts as I could. I keep hoping that things will slow back down a little but it hasn't really happened. I haven't been to the gym as much as I would like and my fitness has really suffered. I've gained a lot of weight back and I'm fighting to not just eat whatever I want. It is a very fickle friend, this fitness stuff. It's easy as long as you keep it rolling along, but if you take too long of a break or get too far off the path, it goes away in a hurry. I'm not giving up though, I'm just frustrated at the amount of backward steps that I have taken lately. I really need to make my eating more of a mental priority and not just eat whatever I want, but that is really hard when I'm not in the gym regularly. It concerns me most because I don't want to live an unhealthy lifestyle anymore. I've heard too many stories about heart attacks and stuff to feel ok about that. I just really need to get serious again. I may never look the way I want to but at the very least I need to be doing it for health reasons.

On the upside, we have another ultrasound today so I'm excited to get another look at how #3 is doing. Crystal hasn't felt very good with this pregnancy but now that she is moving into the second trimester, we're hoping that that will change.

Well there's your quick update. Hopefully I can get back on the ball with blogging as well with everything else.

Friday, July 27, 2007

No Vacay

I'm starting to feel it a bit now. We decided not to take a vacation this year in order to save some money and I'm starting to feel really worn down. I don't know that a vacation would have solved all our problems but I'm sure it would have helped. A friend of mine is leaving on his second vacation next week and I'm a little jealous. They went to the Outer Banks earlier this summer and now this. I've never had two real vacations in one year. Next year we are headed back to Watoga. It should be fun as we are going to spend one day going white water rafting on New River. The only downside is that we just went 2 years ago, so there won't be a lot of new stuff to check out. On the upside, we will be going with my wife's family and relatives which always provide a good time. I'm looking forward to it already...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

New Decorations?

My wife has been wanting to redecorate my oldest daughters for some time now. We have put it off because we are hoping to move and it seems to make sense to wait until then to do it. I just feel bad about the fact that she is a room painted white with no girly decorations or kids curtains or anything. I think that if we don't end up moving this year, then we are going to have go ahead and decorate for her because I feel bad that she has such a plain room. It also serves as a guest room but I doubt our guests would mind too much.

Old Stuff

Sometimes you look around and realize that your stuff is getting old. I noticed this about my office furniture recently. Both my desk and chair look like they were picked up from a curb somewhere. At one point they were both at least "nice", but it won't be long before a change is needed. The only thing holding me back is that I don't have a ton of money for that sort of thing right now, and we are hoping to move so it doesn't make sense to buy new furniture that might not fit in a different house. I guess I'll just add it to my list of "things that need done and will be forgotten about in five minutes."

Friday, July 06, 2007

This Just In: Tiger Is Still The Man

Well vacation home Orlando for the close knit Tiger friends may be closed for a while. A story ran recently that a guest house on his property burnt down. No one was hurt. I guess it doesn't matter when you consider that he is planning to level the place and rebuild it anyway. Speaking of Tiger, he is hosting his first tournament this week. He isn't playing very well, but then again he has a new baby keeping him up all night. I wonder if he will work on his diaper changing as much as he does his putting? I can't see Tiger taking anything lightly.