Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Areas Of Study

We have become accustomed in this day and age to finding that every problem we come across has already been solved by someone else. If you look back in history you will find that this was obviously not the case until very recently. Most people had to assume that the problems they encountered were not solved and so went about trying to solve them. Now we just post on a message board and wait. Take acne for instance. Who would have guessed that someone had devoted time and study developing a body acne treatment that was not simply just called "a shirt"? But I'm guessing you will find it if you look.

Societal Norms

Kids crack me up because they don't understand the rules of social etiquette yet. They will say things that, to them, carry no perceived embarrassment for them or for the other people in the room simply because it is what they observed or thought that they observed.

Like the old joke about the man who took his young son to meet his boss, upon which the boy remarked, "Daddy, I thought you said his nose was brown?" For most adults, the filter would catch this sort of thing on the way out.

If we were more like kids I think the conversations could get a bit crazy. Public conversations about gross ailments, male enhancement cream, and back hair would not be a welcome addition in my mind.

Thanks goodness for filters!


I'm not terribly fond of the signs of age that are starting to appear. I'm only 33 but I realize that I'm not heading back to 25 anytime soon so those few gray hairs aren't going to retreat on their own. I am seriously tempted to fight that battle while leaving others alone. Thankfully men look more distinguished with wrinkles (how did we pull off that?). So I don't expect to be purchasing any wrinkle eye creams. However I do worry about gaining weight and losing muscle mass which is why I fret about my diet and exercise habits quite a bit. Either way I'm guessing the battle will get harder as I get older.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Eating Right

I am in the camp of eating as much natural stuff as you can. That is not to say that I don't ever eat things that aren't natural. On the contrary, I do more often than I should but I'm trying to be cognizant of eating right more often than not.

This, to me, is the best way to stay healthy and keep from gaining weight. I get nervous taking too many pills, whether it's an appetite suppressant or ephedrine diet pills. I feel like if I can win the battle at the table then I will be doing ok.

Cold Sores

I'm not sure I entirely understand these things. My understanding was that they were caused by the herpes simplex virus. If that is the case then why aren't they vastly more contagious than they are? You would think that everyone on Earth would have them by this point if they were that contagious. So either I do have the right virus and it's not as contagious as I thought or it's a different virus entirely.

Clearly I need to come up with some other things to wonder about when I have free time.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Web Pages

I am a developer. I have worked on a lot of web based apps but I am not a trained UI guy. I can attest to how hard it is to develop a nice looking web page or user interface. Given that I know how to use programming languages and know my way around the web you might think so, but it truly is an art all its' own.

So if you are need of a nice looking web page for your business then I would not suggest trying to tackle it yourself. There are a lot of great web page builders out there that can help you. It's worth the money. The web has evolved beyond the point where anyone can throw up some HTML and make a bajillion dollars.

There is a lot to consider. Usability, shopping carts, browser compatibility, and graphics are just a few of the things that you would have to learn how to deal with. Time is as valuable as money so why spend months or more learning something when you can hire someone that can do it all for you?

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Rocky Terrain

My face in high school made the surface of the moon look like a smooth gym floor. I had terrible acne and nothing that I tried helped to get rid of it. I wish looking back that I could have gotten on some sort of prescription treatment because it did affect my confidence a lot.

With that in mind I plan to get the best acne treatment I can for our kids if they follow in my facial footsteps. Hopefully they won't but in the case that they do I hope we can do a lot for them to get rid of it.