Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Diet Update

Another week another weigh in. This time I weighed in at 186.5 which puts me very close to my original goal of 185, although as I stated last week, I will probably need to shoot for 180 to be completely fat free.

I'm starting to get excited and frustrated at the same time. I really enjoy the calistenics class that I am in that has helped me get into so much better shape, but it really isn't doing all that much to build muscle. I have more endurance and overall strength than I have had in a long time but my goals are a little more vain than that.

I really want to get that chiseled look that a lot of guys have and I feel like I can only get that in the weight room. Now that I have a lot less fat I figure that any muscle I build would actually show up. The problem is that now with two kids I can barely make time for my current class let alone something else, so the lifting may have to wait, which is the frustrating part.

Hopefully I can work from home in the evenings to make some extra time for lifting but if not I will have to wait until this summer when things will be a lot less hectic. I really hope that I can eventually get to the look that I have pictured in my head. Half the work is almost done at this point, and most people would say that losing the fat is probably the harder part of the two tasks.

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