Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Little Chlorine Goes A Long Way

I just got an email from an actual person by the name of "Jeanne Poole". Now I don't know this lady, but it would seem to me that she has every right to be annoyed. Why in the world would you do that to your child? On the other hand, she should be very thankful that her parents weren't fond of the name "Cess".

I can't help but wonder if she has siblings named "Whirl", "Kitty", and "8Ball". It seems to me that parents would have more sense than this, but my wife is a Kindergarten teacher so I know better. She has had many strange names and heard even stranger stories from other teachers. Those of us who have names that rhymed with anything at all, are at least sensitive to the importance of naming.

As it is, I would like once again to thank my parents for not naming me "Ham".

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Go Norway!

Have you ever found yourself rooting harder against americans than you have at this Olympics with Bode Miller and Shani Davis? Personnally I have rooted hard against both for all the selfish and just plain stupid things that they have done and said. American or not, I just don't take well to jerks.

I have been pleased to see Bode Miller totally flame out in every event he has entered. I just don't want people who don't care and don't take their sport seriously to prosper. In my opinion, it would have sent a bad message had he done well, and even if that wasn't the case, I just can't root for a jerk.

Shani Davis has just been selfish, but I still find myself rooting against him. In a way I can understand his motives, but you can't leave your team hanging like that. If he was in such bad shape that skating an extra race would have worn him down for his own event 3 days later then he didn't train hard enough. He also acted totally unappreciative of the gold he recieved in the 1000m. There are people who have done everything that it takes that will never have that chance, and he acted like it didn't matter to him at all. I'll be rooting hard for Hedrick in the 1500m. At least in that event there is another American to pull for.

I know that sports aren't the end of the world, but I just think that people can have a little bit of humility and respect for their sport and their fellow competitors.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Ebay Crazy

My wife and I have discovered lately how fun it can be to scour our house for things that we can sell on ebay. I have been a member forever but never really dabbled in selling before now. As it turns out, it's a lot of fun.

If nothing else, it will give us an excuse to go to garage sales and look through clearance racks, as the only way to make any real money on ebay is to sell things that you didn't have to pay hardly anything for.

I think Crystal has really taken to it at this point, whereas I, feel like I'm still "thinking" about some sort of plan to hit it big, instead of just focusing on the everyday stuff that we can throw out there to get us started. I guess it's good to think both ways, but in any case it's a lot of fun. The only annoying part of it that I can see at this point will be the constant trips to the post office and having to try and keep track of multiple auctions at once, but I'm sure it's not really as hard as it sounds.

Take a look at the auctions that we have so far if you want, and feel free to bid high. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fun With Email

I just got this email at work:

Hi Everyone,

Come meet some of the Openly Staff members of our division and have some cake at 4:00 pm in the cafeteria.

Hope to see you there.

So if you are "openly" staff, does that mean that you don't hide the fact that you are employed here when you are in public? So if I "come out of the closet" and admit that I work here, will they throw me a party?

I know our society is big now on celebrating diversity and all but this seems a little over the top. Next we're going to have parties for people who admit to stealing company supplies, and hand out pink pieces of paper as party favors.

Well it just goes to show that you just never know. Oh and if you care what that email really meant, leave a comment and I'll explain it. It isn't really that funny so I didn't bother putting it down in the blog.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"Fitness" Update

I don't have much to report, other than I am still at around 180 pounds, but I have been fighting colds and such for the past several weeks so I haven't been able to work out much, and my eating hasn't been all that great. I've basically eaten like crud every weekend and several evenings, and the fact that that hasn't affected my weight at all is only making it worse. I really need to get a handle on it, or I'm going to wake up one day and be right back where I started from.

I know this is a normal thing to go through, but it's a lot harder to regulate your eating when you don't really have a goal.

Hopefully I can get over being sick soon and get back to working out. When I'm regularly in the gym, it is easier to eat right, because I feel like I'm working toward something.

Until next time...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Me Fart Smeller

So apparently, certain chemicals in natural foods such as tomatoes, have smells that smell "good" to us indicating that our bodies are naturally attracted to foods that will be healthy to eat.

Smelly Tomatoes

So naturally I, in my ever mature and notable desire to solve problems for the common good of mankind, wondered if this could also somehow explain why people generally don't mind the smell of their own farts...

Does this mean that there is some health benefit to rebreathing your own noxious fumes, or simply that it truly is unhealthy for everyone else in the elevator? Or is it simply a built in biological appreciation of a "job well done" by our digestive systems. Or maybe it's just God's way of keeping a good joke going. How are we supposed to laugh at everyone else when they are coughing and wheezing and trying to get below the cloud, if we are busy doing the same thing?

Hopefully someday we will have all the real problems solved so we can spend a little more time figuring stuff like this out.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Time To Get Board

Yes finally tonight I get to go snowboarding for the first time this winter. I can't wait. I have been looking forward to this for a long time. It is only Mad River Mountain, but I'll take that over nothing.

I'm trying to decide if I should mess with my stance at all. One of the things I want to do is learn to ride "switch", or with my weaker foot forward, which would require my foot positions to be a bit different on the board. I don't think that it would be a big deal for me to learn because I don't really have a heavily dominant side. I chose to ride "goofy" or right foot forward, but I could have just as easily chosen to do it the other way.

I'm also hoping for some better feel on my board this year thanks to all my weight loss. I was right at the edge of the weight limit for my board before, but now I'm well under it, which should help a lot with feel and control.

If your name is Crystal, stop reading now...... :)

I'm also hoping to learn how to land properly. I've never been able to do any jumps before because I could never stick the landings and I'm hoping to practice a few small jumps and start to learn how to land properly.

So anyway, say Hi if you see a tall guy on a Burton Canyon 162 out there tonight.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Professional Pacifist?

I got to work today and found a suprise in my pocket. I still had one of Kylie's nuks (pacifier) that I taken away from her earlier this morning.

Now today hasn't been "one of those days" at all, but there have been times when curling up under your desk with a nuk sounds like about the best course of action. I guess there are advantages to being 2, because you can do things like that without being dragged off by the guys in the little white coats to the fun house.

Taking naps, having other people dress and feed you, and being able to just "go" whenever you want, without even having to stop what you are doing all seem like pretty good perks when you really think about it.

Of course if you were to tell that to all the chinese people that are packed so tightly onto commuter trains that they have to wear adult diapers in order to go home for the holidays, I'm sure that they might have a different take on it.

There are disadvantages to being 2 also. Having no money, being forced to go wherever your parents go without any say in it, being to short to reach anything, and not being allowed to watch most of the tv channels come to mind.

I guess the hard part is focusing on what is good about the age that you are right now, and ignoring the rest of it. I guess at my age the good parts are being able to have two little kids that constantly remind me how great God is, and how wonderful it is to have the chance to introduce them to him.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Top 10

Reasons Why Parents Are Dumb

10. Give us a break we haven't slept in 3 years...

9. We've spent so much time trying to understand gibberish, that we can no longer speak proper english

8. They don't have a world news segment on sesame street

7. The only creative thinking we do is coming up with new lines for "The Wheels on the Bus"

6. The last book we read was third grade level

5. The disney channel might as well be the only one that our tv gets

4. "Time out" is the only time that our head stops spinning

3. Kids' bedtime 8:30, our bedtime 10:30, 2:30, 4:30, oh I give up!!

2. No need to talk, no one listens to us anyway

and the number 1 reason parents are dumb....

1. We think our spouses names are "your mom" or "your dad"

Friday, February 03, 2006


If evolution really is the answer to everything according to science, then why do people go out of their way to stop it?

Any time a non-native plant or animal is introduced to a system, and starts running rampant, reproducing like crazy and pushing out all the other species, scientists go into a frenzy trying to erradicate the animal or introduce natural enemies in order to even things out. If that's what it takes to keep the planet from being overrun by one type of animal, then how did things ever just "work out" on their own? Should the scientists instead be saying things like; "it's normal, let's see how evolution fixes things", and "no need to worry, evolution will balance things out in the end".

You could argue that plants and animals have the capability to get a lot farther from home now than they used to in much less time, but once again, if evolution was truly the answer to everything, then I have to belive that it would eventually work out for the best and a balance would be achieved.

Scientists don't, however, which begs the question. What do you really believe? If these systems are so delicate that they can't solve their own problems, then how are there still so many diverse species around the globe?

The only thing I can think of is that "someone" must have planned it that way.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Love It or Great at It

Almost everyone I know can be filed in one of three categories. They either love their job, are great at their job, or both. I don't feel like I fit into any of these and it frustrates me.

I like my job, but I definetly don't love it. It isn't my "passion" as you hear so many people say. I'm also not great at it. I'm decent enough. I get my work done and I do the best I can, but I'm not one of those people that has "it", whatever it is.

I would just really like to be able to come home from work for the day and be able to honestly say either that I loved the work I did that day, or that I was one of the best at what I did that day. Preferrably both.

My wife for instance, is a teacher. She really loves her job, and she is great at it. Most of the incoming parents request her to be their kid's teacher and her principle has definetly shown that he believes her to be one of the best teachers he has. I really want that for myself, and I know that not everyone can have it, but I have been thinking about it a lot lately.

I am "good" at a lot of different things, but I am not great at any one thing. I really feel that if I was just a little better at one thing that I did, that I could turn that into something, but so far I have been just "good" at everything I've tried.

I keep feeling like sometime soon I'm going to discover that one thing that I'm great at, but I have been feeling like that for a long time. I'm sure a lot of people feel like this, but few of the people around me do which of course just makes me think about it more.

I might be a Jack of all trades, but I'm sure feeling like a joker.