Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Professional Pacifist?

I got to work today and found a suprise in my pocket. I still had one of Kylie's nuks (pacifier) that I taken away from her earlier this morning.

Now today hasn't been "one of those days" at all, but there have been times when curling up under your desk with a nuk sounds like about the best course of action. I guess there are advantages to being 2, because you can do things like that without being dragged off by the guys in the little white coats to the fun house.

Taking naps, having other people dress and feed you, and being able to just "go" whenever you want, without even having to stop what you are doing all seem like pretty good perks when you really think about it.

Of course if you were to tell that to all the chinese people that are packed so tightly onto commuter trains that they have to wear adult diapers in order to go home for the holidays, I'm sure that they might have a different take on it.

There are disadvantages to being 2 also. Having no money, being forced to go wherever your parents go without any say in it, being to short to reach anything, and not being allowed to watch most of the tv channels come to mind.

I guess the hard part is focusing on what is good about the age that you are right now, and ignoring the rest of it. I guess at my age the good parts are being able to have two little kids that constantly remind me how great God is, and how wonderful it is to have the chance to introduce them to him.

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