Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Go Norway!

Have you ever found yourself rooting harder against americans than you have at this Olympics with Bode Miller and Shani Davis? Personnally I have rooted hard against both for all the selfish and just plain stupid things that they have done and said. American or not, I just don't take well to jerks.

I have been pleased to see Bode Miller totally flame out in every event he has entered. I just don't want people who don't care and don't take their sport seriously to prosper. In my opinion, it would have sent a bad message had he done well, and even if that wasn't the case, I just can't root for a jerk.

Shani Davis has just been selfish, but I still find myself rooting against him. In a way I can understand his motives, but you can't leave your team hanging like that. If he was in such bad shape that skating an extra race would have worn him down for his own event 3 days later then he didn't train hard enough. He also acted totally unappreciative of the gold he recieved in the 1000m. There are people who have done everything that it takes that will never have that chance, and he acted like it didn't matter to him at all. I'll be rooting hard for Hedrick in the 1500m. At least in that event there is another American to pull for.

I know that sports aren't the end of the world, but I just think that people can have a little bit of humility and respect for their sport and their fellow competitors.

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