Monday, February 05, 2007

A Chili Night

Last night we hosted the Super Bowl party for our small group from church. Oh and if anyone from the NFL is reading this, our TV is only 27 inches and we don't have cable, so don't bother suing us. Not to mention the fact that it wasn't church sponsored and we didn't charge admission. Of course it might still be illegal to watch the super bowl unless you watch it on a black and white TV in a cave, but if so I have to wonder why the NFL is trying so hard to tick off their fans. Maybe they are tired of being so well-liked and popular.

Anyway, we had a lot of good food last night and for the second weekend in a row I ate way too much of it. I feel disgusting today and probably won't eat much as my stomach feels like a churning cauldron of crud.

My wife and I's contributions were potato soup and chili. At the end of the night I started helping clean up the kitchen. At this point only one other couple was still there. I grabbed the leftover pot of chili and opened the fridge to put it in. At that point it was one of those slow motion moments where you hear the guy yelling "NOOOOOOOOO" in a weird low voice, as I felt the chili pot slip from my hands.

The chili bomb hit the floor and detonated. (a great weapon if America ever declares war on vegetarians). Chili shrapnel flew everywhere. My socks instantly became residents of the garbage can and I started to survey the full extent of the damage. Our fridge was coated in chili and several splotches had made it to about 5 feet up the wall, not to mention the heaping mounds of beans and meat now occupying the floor.

Thankfully our friends stayed to help us clean it up. It was pretty funny and really gross at the same time. Just imagine someone using the dust pan to scoop up large globs of chili off of your floor to throw away. I don't think any of us will be eating chili again anytime soon.

Pictures were taken and I will post them as soon as I get them. My fault or not this was too funny not to share. I think that as far as WKD's go (weapons of kitchen destruction), this one was very effective.

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