Thursday, February 22, 2007


Spring is on the way, which will be nice because it brings some great things like golf, warm weather and fresh air. The downside is that it also brings yard work. That neverending effort to make your house look nice from the road so that the neighbors don't complain. You can spend a lot of money on a nice house marker or tons of mulch or lots of other things, but doesn't it just boil down to keeping the neighbors happy? Obviously you take pride in your own house and having it look nice but couldn't it be said that it means a lot to you because of what you imagine that other people think when they look at it? Not that I'm championing a cause for 5 foot tall grass or anything, I just think it's funny sometimes how we justify things. Even things that seem important. I'm not going to neglect my yard, but I might scowl at my neighbors when I see them because it is all their fault that I have to do all this...

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