Monday, January 19, 2009


Asbestos is something that I think most people nowadays don't really think much about or if they do, are uniformed about. Including me, I'm sure that there is plenty that I don't know. We looked at a house a year or two ago that I really liked, and were considering it, when my Dad mentioned to me that it had asbestos siding. I thought asbestos was only an insulation! Apparently there are a lot of old houses like this in our area. Now supposedly it isn't dangerous unless it is disturbed but could you honestly consider raising a family in a house like that? Also, how would you ever sell it, unless to some other poor unsuspecting person, and wouldn't you feel bad about that? Do inspectors tell you this? What if the previous owner sided over the asbestos shingles and you never knew they were there? Scary stuff if you ask me. A Mesothelioma lawyer might sound like a difficult job, but it's not unlikely that this stuff may prove to be more dangerous than we thought in siding form.

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