Thursday, February 01, 2007

Four Alarm Frozen

So yesterday was interesting. I dropped my car off to get some work done and we decided to stop on the way to church and pay for it, but then leave it there and pick it up on the way home.

For some reason I decided to lock my car before we left the service center. No idea why as I never lock my car. I'm claiming temporary paranoia.

Added to this story is the fact that when I dropped off the car, I accidentally mistook the valet key for the spare key, and gave them that one to use. It didn't cause them any problems, but I wasn't so lucky.

So we stop on the way home to pick it up. My wife leaves and I go to start my car. First of all, the alarm goes crazy when I unlock the car with the valet key, which doesn't worry me much as my car is typically very touchy when it comes to the alarm going off. The problem arises when I realize that the only way that I can shut off the alarm is to click the door unlock button on my keyless entry fob, which is at home....

So I try to start my car with the valet key and nothing happens. Whatever I did has sent my car into berserk mode and so anything I do causes the alarm to spaz like a teenage girl at a shoe sale.

To recap, it's cold, really cold, my wife is gone and I can't go near my car without annoying every neighbor in a 1 mile radius. Fortunately for me, I had my cell phone so I called my wife and told her to get my real keys and bring them back to me. That left me with about 20-25 minutes to just hang out in the cold. Fortunately I'm also paranoid (read prepared) so I always keep my triple thick toboggan and my snowboarding gloves in my car. It cost me another 30 second round of alarm screaming to retrieve them, but it was worth it.

The moral of the story? Throw your valet key into the nearest furnace and always keep warm stuff in your car in the winter...

Oh and cell phones are pretty cool too.

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