Monday, February 21, 2011

Consumerism: Not Always

Sometimes I feel like it's easy to forget that debt isn't always the result of overactive consumerism. Sometimes it is, but not always. In our case it was a lot of "Murphy", and some bad decisions that resulted in our flowering trees of credit card debt.

Sure we weren't living smart financially like we are now, but there were things that were out of our control such as my wife being put on bed rest during pregnancy and not being able to work, and paying for our own wedding and honeymoon.

There were also a lot of things we bought that weren't really needed. So sure, things are going to happen, but the idea is to get yourself into the right place financially to keep those things from become mountains and keep them at the mole hill level as much as possible.

Therefore, if you have no debt and a large emergency fund, those things aren't going to be nearly as catastrophic as they might have been, but you have to go through the pain of cleaning up your finances to get there. That's what I'm shooting for.

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