Tuesday, November 22, 2005


How many times have you accused someone of "jumping on a bandwagon"? I was thinking today after I said that that I actually have no idea what a bandwagon is and furthermore, who might have ever wanted to jump on one.

So in the old days did they have parades in which the band was followed by a wagon carrying all their stuff? I can only assume then that band members were giant celebrities and it was all they could do to keep people from jumping onto their wagon and mobbing them. This must have been what happened to Lawrence Welk in his pre-tv years. Maybe People Magazine even had a Sexiest Tuba Player list.

Or maybe "Bandwagon" is actually the name of a old bridge that is long forgotten. Perhaps in ancient times helpless victims and the drawers of short straws would jump off of the bridge to sacrifice themselves and become more pleasing to the God's of the home team?

I can't honestly say that I have any real idea what the true meaning is, but it had to come from somewhere. Personally I'm going with the sexy tuba player theory until I'm proven wrong.

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