Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Trick or Trade?

We took the girls trick or treating last night which was pretty fun. Everyone ooh'd and ahh'd at how cute they both were in their cow costumes. It was pretty neat to get to show them off a bit.

This was the first year that Kylie really kinda got the idea of trick or treating although it took her a house or two to get the hang of it. Before we left, my Mom had put some little packs of skittles in her bucket to get her started and at the first house, she decided to cash in. She walked right up to the lady and looked at the candy that she was handing out and then reached in her own bucket, took out a packet of skittles and laid them down on the step. Then she reached for the candy that the lady had. I laughed so hard. I was proud of her that she was willing to trade something she had in order to get something else, but once she realized that everyone was handing out free candy she just went nuts. I guess thats how we all must have learned to stop sharing.

If her Kindergarten teacher ever tells us that she isn't good at sharing at a future parent teacher conference, I'll just try to bribe her with some skittles.

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