Friday, November 04, 2005

Doin' a Nickle

As of December 4th, I will have been at my current job for five years. This means that I get to choose a 5 year service gift. I got an email the other day that said that the gifts would be on display this morning in the lobby for us to check out so that we could start to make up our minds.

To give you some background, I work for a very old company. You have to work your way up to "Newbie", and anyone thats been here less that 10 years is still wet behind the ears, so naturally I expected the 5 year gifts to range anywhere from a personalized Bic pen to a half chewed stick of gum.

I was actually shocked to find that the first gift was a cd player with a built in TV. Thats not that usefull to me but it's pretty cool. The next thing I saw was a soft shell tackle box. I'm going fishing in Canada next year, so I considered it, but I already have a decent tackle box. Still it was a pretty decent gift compared to what I was expecting.

The next thing I saw is definetly going to be my gift. I was so shocked that I actually asked the lady if it had ended up on the wrong table by accident. To me, clearly, this was at least a 10 year gift. She assured me that it was, in fact, a five year gift and I was all the more shocked. A portable DVD,CD,MP3 player. Frankly I couldn't care less about the CD or MP3 player as I rarely listen to music, but a portable DVD player would be sweet. At least I think it would. I'm not sure if it's just the gadget junkie in me or if this is something that I would actually use, but I think I'll have a hard time passing it up. Maybe I'll go get a bic pen out of the office supply cabinet to celebrate.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

For my 5th year of service I got a "gold" or should I say golden alarm clock so I could "always remember that we like you so much that we want you at work!" It was grrrreat.