Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Moment

I had what my Mom refers to as "a moment" yesterday. Which basically refers to a time when you do something really dumb and have no idea what you were thinking.

I was working on a problem here at work, and I needed to test to see if a record still existed in the system for this particular company. The guy that wrote up the problem had been able to log in with one of their ID's so I just emailed him and asked him to send me the ID and password that he had used. Doesn't sound too bad so far, but it was his answer that made me feel like a moron.

He wrote back and told me that there is now a way that we can search for ID's in the system and asked me if I knew about it and if I had used it before. Here is the kicker. Not only did I know about it, I wrote the code that makes it work.....

Well naturally I felt like an idiot and said so when I wrote him back. Fortunately he gave me the benefit of the doubt based on my lack of sleep lately with the new baby.

I still can't believe I did that, but I guess it just goes to show that we are all idiots at one time or another. Hopefully you aren't offended that I just called you an idiot, but if so, just remember that I have a tendency to say dumb things sometimes.

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