Friday, January 27, 2006

Goose Cannon

Normally when you walk in to the parking lot at work, you don't expect to see someone carrying a shotgun around. According the email I got this week, it could happen however.

Apparently, because of all the ponds we have on campus here, they are required by law to "harass" the canadien geese that routinely hang out, so that they won't nest here. That harassment consists of firing blank rounds from a shotgun to scare them off.

I think that the company is missing a great opportunity here for a stress relief program. We could rotate the goose duty among the employees, and give everyone a chance to fire off some harmless rounds at geese. What better way to burn off a little stress?

Of course, there are the obvious dangers that someone might abuse the opportunity to have a shotgun in their hands at work. Obviously no one wants that, but in a perfect world, firing off some blanks at a bunch of geese sounds like a lot of fun to me.

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