Friday, January 20, 2006

On a Roll

Why in the world do dogs think that the best thing in the world that they could possibly do with their time is to find the deadest, nastiest thing in your yard and roll in it?

Despite the fact that my dog hates getting a bath, and knows it's coming as soon as she finds something to roll in, she doesn't hesitate for a second.

It doesn't help that we have a big yard that is right next to a woods. She is provided with a miriad of wonderful dead options. It's like a la carte for dogs.

I can just see a dog dressed up like a waiter standing next to a velvet rope in front of the woods with a sign over his head that reads "All You Can Roll $7.95".

At least my dog is white, and can't hide the big nasty stains. I feel really bad for people with black dogs because they don't see it coming. Their dogs have already been in the house and all over the furniture before they discover it.

And as far as the bath goes. I've had to devise a strategy to get the least soaked I can. I say it that way because there is no way whatsoever to come out completely dry. My plan basically consists of drying her until she gets out of my grip and then using the towel as a shield. The bathroom takes a beating, but better it than me.

Oh well, I suppose it could be worse. The cat drives my wife nuts by dropping mice and snakes at our back door all the time. I'm not afraid of either so I don't really care but it bugs the crud out of her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try bathing a monster...