Friday, December 08, 2006


How many times have you heard someone say that the universe was started by the Big Bang? I hear it all the time these days in news articles and other sources. Before I get started, I'm not saying that the Big Bang couldn't have happened, I'm just curious as to why most people think of it as the beginning.

It's like asking someone where their camp fire came from and them telling you that it "came from a match of course". The obvious follow up question then is "Where did you get the match?". For some reason we don't apply that same logic to the Big Bang. If you haven't noticed, "nothing" can't explode, so there had to be something to start all that exploding business.

I have heard some theories from those who realize that matches don't make themselves and they range from the universe being cyclical and exploding and retracting and exploding again over and over(infinite loops still have to start somewhere), to massive amounts of energy existing that exploded with such force that the energy was transformed into particles (where did the energy come from?).

Nobody can seem to grasp the fact that none of this is possible without some sort of beginning. At some point, "nothing" had to become "something". End of story. Without that, nothing that exists could exist.

and I only know one person who has that kind of power...

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