Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Luck Has Vacated Me

So I was in the cafeteria the other day and while waiting for my food to finish heating up, noticed that the monitors were running some sort of info on our latest employee survey. I hate doing those things but had done it this year after pressure from our managers, which probably had pressure from theirs.

It said that if 65% of the people did the survey, then there would be a random drawing for one free vacation day. If 75% of the people did it, then it would be 2 days, etc. I scoffed at the offer. "Who in their right mind would be motivated by that", I said. "As if anyone thinks that out of this whole company, they have a decent chance of winning a free day".

As you have probably already guessed, I was one of the two people that won a free day. It just cracks me up how you end up winning something that you thought was hopeless and never win the thing that really catches your eye. Not that a free vacation day is a trivial thing. I will greatly enjoy it, but I tried for weeks to win a free plasma tv in a radio contest and came up empty every time. I guess you just have to take what you get when you can get it. I'm sure that this friday will be a much better day for me than it would have been before I won.

Despite the title of today's entry, I'm not a big believer in luck. This is a God thing. No idea why, but obviously he has a reason. If I figure it out, I'll let you know. In the mean time, I think I'll go scoff at that plasma tv contest for a little while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I started thinking about luck after reading Wednesday's narrative. After two minutes of thought I offer the following:

Luck has 3 components:

Opportunity - did you or did you not receive an opportunity?

Preparedness - what did you do with the opportunities you received?

Time - sometimes a minor thing might affect you years later. E.g. 20 years ago when you selected a major in college, did you choose to be a software engineer or a sliderule expert. Your decision could have affected future "luck".

As an afterthought, were the opportunities "luck" or God?